Sunday, 18 November 2012

Companies, stocks and SWOT

I have been involved in investing at low level (money wise)  for few year now. The great crash of 2008 presented a good opportunity to get in - so I took it investing mainly in hardware based tech companies including ARM, IMG, Nvidia, AMD and later Rambus and a few others. I shall be offering my thoughts in the form of a SWOT analysis  on some of the companies I have invested in.


ATI graphics
Currently the most well-rounded x86 integrated CPU solution
Software support
Internal processes - which causes many product delays and missed cycles and generally poor execution
Trim management at all levels -  and streamline processes
Integrate more functionality into CPU (Sound, Disk Controllers, Memory)  - further reducing system costs


Brand Loyalty
Solid Platforms
Integrated platforms
Genuine Creativity
Enterprise penetration
Focus on the consumer - cool today gone tomorrow
Development tools in comparison to Microsoft
% of OS PC market in comparison to MS
Refocus on applying the ‘It just works’ philosophy to other areas instead of the iphone 100
Buy a big software player - i.e. Adobe
Make PC more competitive - add more value through features
Balance the style to substance ratio
Get more platform developers on board - offer discounts and provide better tools to students.

HTML form to XML in javascript

getFormXml = function(form, xmltablename) {
var rowsIndex;
var xmltable = '';
var xmlrow = '';

for (i = 0; i < form.length; i++) {
var cells = form[i];

if ( != '')

//Additional checks could be entered here for check boxes and
//other form components
xmlrow = xmlrow + '<' + + '>'
+ cells.value + '</' + + '>';

if (xmlrow != null)
xmltable = xmltable + xmlrow;
xmlrow = ''; 

if (xmltable != null)
xmltable = '<' + xmltablename + '>' + xmltable + '</'+ xmltablename + '>';
return (xmltable);

Return the XML representation of the form variable.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Preparation and Processes

Most (if not all) activities involve 2 stages - Preparation and then Execution. For any activity to be executed effectively and in a timely manner , preparation is key. Lets take the example of the activity of preparing to go work in the morning. If you need to iron your shirt or find your socks then you will be much slower than if you had those things prepared. You will also will be more frustrated. Cooking is another example where the preparation of your ingredients and tools before hand is vital for a satisfactory result. There many, many other such examples.

In a company setting preparation usually resolves around getting the right information and mobilizing the right people. From the information perspective data can be stored in many locations. The more spread out the information the longer it will take to prepare the data and the less accurate the information will be. It is therefore vital that data is organised and accessible to everyone to meet repeatable requirements. I highlight repeatable because one-off activities many require additional new preparation. But most activities in a given industry are repeatable. Skilled management are able to recognise those repeatable patterns and  define strategies to streamline and optimise Preparation.

Friday, 2 November 2012

JdbcXmlService - Context driven shopping cart demo

A second example of the flexibility and power of  the jdbxXmlservice API. This simple JavaScript based shopping-cart demo communicates with the JMS jdbcXmlservice via the activemq script adaptor. Each product has a xquery based rule associated with it, which determines the product to display and in what order - based on the product selected. In the example shown, selecting a computer would activate a rule to display all the complementary products.such as a monitor and sound card.

More details will be added later.