Sunday, 13 November 2016

Productivity vs distraction (follow the money)

I saw a very interesting info graphic here. Showing how vc funds are distributed across industries (2014 - 2015).  Now, assuming that education increases productivity while social media and advertising decreases productivity via multiple distractions we can predict that productivity trends are mostly downwards - worldwide.
Note that this hugely unscientific prediction does not take into account overlap ( communicating with experts on social media ). Plus you could argue that the massive investment in business and financial technology should have a positive productivity impact. But I would argue that these are tool improvements and the skills required to make the best use of those tools may not be transferable. The 'worldwide' part points back to the title.  Developers usually  follow the money.
Final note, hope to be proved wrong on this prediction

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Gut vs rules

Currently reading Thinking , Fast and Slow which is shaping up to be one of the best non-fictional books I have read in a long time. The chapter relating to intuition vs. formula was particularly interesting, here are some exerts

"Several studies have shown that human decision makers are inferior to a predictive formula  even when they are given the score suggested by the formula!.."

"to maximize  predictive accuracy, final decisions should be left to formulas, especially in low-validity environments.."

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Jxs Omni-channel Customer Journey Demo

Following on from the previous demo, a new demo highlights the Jxs Omni-channel capabilities extending the previous customer journey with a mobile channel. The customer experience should be consistent through all the digital channels leveraged.

The scenario for the demo can be accessed here.  The demo can be accessed here

Please note,

  • When executing the journey select a predefined user (ranging from user1 to user5) and log in with the same , but unique, password of your choice. 
  • There are no checks for duplicate user/password combination, so try to select an original password
  • On the Mobile channel, the Demo will only work correctly on IOS Safari and Andriod Internet
Email for more information

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Automation and the minimum wage

Great article, exploring the relationship with minimum wage with automation

Friday, 25 March 2016

Interactive Customer Journey demo search

Following on from my previous post I googled 'interactive customer journey demo' to see if there were any demo examples similar to my own. The results were links to vendors 'requesting a demo' ; linking to a YouTube video or linking to a whitepaper. I believe that as software 'savy-ness' increases organisations will start to see through the marketing/sales/spam pitch and want to 'test-drive' what they maybe buying.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Message for 2016

Computer related technologies have progressed in multiple ways through 2015 as has the reach of the internet. But its easy to forget that these technologies are tools - and are a means to an objective. But as tools they are relevantly complex to use - more so when flexibility is required. For an artist, for example,in comparison to a 'pencil' and 'pad' it is far more expensive in terms of time (training) and money (hardware / software). So this complexity adds to , what I call, an objective latency - where multiple compromise (usually creative) needs to be made to achieve a goal. The greater the complexity the greater the latency. So reducing that objective latency is still a challenge for 2016 in order to finally focus on objectives and away from managing configuration  complexity.