Wednesday, 21 December 2022

Simple and Straight forwards relevancy check

Use complex predictive models ?

Use convoluted business rules ?

No, just ask the customer - "Are we still relevant to you?"

JFrog asked me this, and I replayed "No". An awesome customer experience!

Friday, 9 December 2022

Banality of AI Complexity

Why are AI tools complex? Is it so people can keep their jobs?  Job security through complexity?

Complex tools are hard to use effectively. Complexity reduces their potential

A huge population can use a Pencil. A very small percentage can sketch like Michelangelo. 

A small population can use AI programming tools. None can use it to their full potential.

Simplicity is important. 

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Fundamental Technology Assessment

Time. Time is life. It is the most important measure of everything.

This is why performance benchmarking is a critical part of technology assessment. How fast does it run to get the job done.

But there is more to it. Getting the job done means building a solution as well as running it. Design-time and run-time. Benchmarks need to measure both those aspects.

Indeed if design-time performance did not matter everyone should comfortable developing logic in assembler of binary. Usability is important.

Monday, 19 September 2022

Self-defence is self confidence

Your self confidence is directly correlated with your strength of self-defence. The stronger your self-defence the stronger your self-confidence. 

Sunday, 26 June 2022

Tactics Heavy and Strategy Light

Strategy is the "what and why". Tactics is the "How"

There are thousands upon thousands of tactical technology solutions. The choices are truly bewildering. 

This is because selling tactical point solutions is more profitable than selling strategy. That's why product companies make more money than consultants.

However 80% of your time should be focused on strategy - your strategy. 20% on tactics. Otherwise the tactics will drive your strategy - and not other way around.