Sunday, 15 October 2023

Irrelevant tech

Generic CTO : We use cutting-edge AI to deliver relevant marketing communications

Generic Consumer : I'm still getting Spam - same as before

Cutting-edge AI : 0.5% response rate

Generic CTO : see - 100% improvement!

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

love is all you need

All you need is love. More motivation, courage, strength, concentration. Love is the foundation. The more unconditional love in your heart - the stronger you become in all those areas - and more. Its that simple. However this can be easier said than done - depending on the company you keep.

Monday, 4 September 2023

Picture thousand words

 Prompts can create pictures. Would that picture represent a thousand words?

Underneath a painting or drawing is a story. The artist is the narrator. At first glance. Invisible to the eyes. It appears with time or explanation. It appears with subtle details which slowly emerge. Small details which then become major details. 

This story represents the artists state of mind.

Can a picture generated prompt be worth a thousand words. 

"Yes if its described with 1000 words". 

Then why not draw what's on your mind instead of regressing into words.

"Can't draw"

Monday, 13 March 2023

Strategy vs AI

Strategy is making future predictions. Then using the results in plotting a course of action for a goal decided by you or a committee. AI does not do strategy - yet.  Why? Goals. Ultimately Goals are decided by people. AI is given goals by people, for example :

  • Drive me to XYZ
  • Present product ABC to customers most likely to buy it
  • Create a picture based on these prompts
Notice the pattern. AI is being told what to. But not how to do it.

As AI becomes more capable these goals will be become more and more abstract

  • Reduce churn by 10%
  • Increase Customer satisfaction by 30%
  • Design a new home for me
AI will devise its own path to achieve your Goal. However, You are still responsible for defining your goals which collectively represent your life strategy

Future Requests to AI engines may look like this :
  • Prepare a plan for me to live my best life
  • Run my business - alert me if there are any huge issues
  • What should I do now?
So the question becomes - will AI eventually decide your strategy for you? Will it give you goals which benefit you.  Or will it give you goals which benefit someone else or itself?

Monday, 20 February 2023

The Decision Framework Advantage

 Tools plus Skills. Skills plus Tools. 

You may be the best race driver in the world. However you will never beat a below average driver with a tricycle when they have a full-blown red-bull F1 car.

You may be the best fighter pilot  in the world. However you will never beat a below average pilot using a glider and peashooter when they have a loaded F-35 aircraft.

Tools matter.

An organisations decision framework is also a tool. A tool which impacts revenue and profitability. It also impacts the lives of its employees. The lower the rank the higher the impact. A C-grade CEO with an excellent existing decision framework will be many years ahead of an A-grade CEO who needs to create one.

Saturday, 7 January 2023

Paternalistic vs Predatory Marketing


Marketing for engagement based on positive values such as : 

  • Relevant time saving advice
  • Contributing to the community 
  • Promotion of products you need


Marketing for engagement based on negative values such as :

  • Outrage, Anger and Gossip
  • Encouraging addictive traits
  • Promotion of products you want
Predatory marketing currently dominatesPaternalistic Marketing is the future.

Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Adding Complexity to keep the job

Complexity by design is degradation by design. 

Elegance and Style are simple. Great design is to simplify.

Taking the complex and simplifying it while enhancing utility is evolution.

Complexity by design is complexity to keep power and keep a job.

"Advertisers and publishers want to use machine learning (ML) to improve addressability and audience experience by placing ads near contextually-relevant content. For data scientists, this often requires spending significant time on data engineering, data pre-processing, and training in order to extract metadata from petabytes of media content, or score billions of ad events per day with ML models..." 

How effective is this, when you the customer is still seeing Spam upon spam.