Move from Customer Journey to Customer Story.
A mindset change which will make propositions more interesting and engaging
See this
Sharing my thoughts and ideas on subjects ranging from software technology to music. Thank you for reading.
Move from Customer Journey to Customer Story.
A mindset change which will make propositions more interesting and engaging
See this
Idea. Use LLM to replace words with images.
Replace sentences and paragraphs with images.
Making your publication more interesting, memorable an efficient for the reader.
Cut the text and paste it into the LLM.
The truth will set you free. It will also keep you healthy.
The longer humans remain on earth, the more we will learn about ourselves - individually and globally. These learnings will change us. This is real growth.
Tools exist to enable this self-discovery. However they are restricted and not universally available. Eventually tools will not be required or at be least more accessible. Everyone will know themselves - eventually.
Physically, mentally and spiritually.
The more we truly know about ourselves - the better we can manage ourselves. Consciously and Unconsciously.
This includes managing our health - mentally and physically.
Prevention is better than cure.