Friday, 5 August 2011

Silo mindset

Silo mindset - The growth of silo centric systems can attributed to the prevalent silo-mindset within the IT departments and leadership.

Business users (stakeholders) within a IT project, are its fundamental participants. They provide requirement to get the job done. They push for solutions which meets their needs and their needs alone - regardless of what's going on in the rest of the organisation. In most cases you can say that Business users have silo mindset. And this is perfectly natural.

As the IT professional within the project , maybe the Project manager, or Business analyst, you have have 2 choices in dealing with with silo-mindsets

Choice 1 - Go along with these business requirements to the letter. They then produce a silo based system with its own data-store and little or no integration

Choice 2- Propose the building of a system with integration as a major additional requirement.

Choice 2 will cost more and probably to take come time to complete , but these short term cost are more than made up by the long term benefits of transparency, lower maintenance cost and many other benefits of integration.