Sunday, 20 December 2020

Do it anyway

When feeling fearful When feeling low on confidence When feeling doubtful ..Trust your plan

Sunday, 6 December 2020

Strong Equality

With a Africa strong in self-belief, discipline, law, self-defence and self-love. Real and Genuine Equality for Africans grows - worldwide

Saturday, 28 November 2020

The Team

Everyone has a role

Lessons learned

Defeat and loss are painful. However, In defeat you will learn the most valuable lessons. This will be missed if you are consumed by the pain of defeat. Quickly and carefully accept the pain with unrequited love and understanding. Then carefully and meticulously learn the lesson's.  Then fight on. Fight differently. 

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

It's a big world

Be somewhere were you can express yourself and contribute fully with no limits

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Shame and ashamed

Quality guidance of leaders

Do you provide clear step by step personalised guidance based on evidence or generic cliché and obvious words of wisdom?

Monday, 23 November 2020

If you are encouraged to give up..

Or to perform far less than your potential. Then your under psychological attack. Defend yourself. Perform exponential excercise in your self belief and capabilities. Your on the correct course - scale up.

Friday, 20 November 2020

In my system

If you know a system exists, you can work inside or outside of it, or both. If you do not know it exists - then it usually controls you

Saturday, 14 November 2020

Needs Vs Wants

Traditional AI implementations are great at encouraging and pushing wants. Usually what we want is not what we need. Wants are based on desire, needs are based on the necessity.

Aim for heaven, then you'll live on earth..

Aim for earth then you'll live in hell

Friday, 13 November 2020

Excercise and practice to become stronger

Excercise and practice to become stronger.
It's easy to talk the talk

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Working harder means..

Having a very detailed plan
Doing more research
Not being afraid of any information or insights
Communicating with more people
Being rejected more
Being honest and detailed in appraisal of plans effectiveness
Accepting success and wanting more
Clearly passing on lessons learned , in video or writing

Fantastic video on distraction

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Caught up

Let's get excited we have a new slogan. And the plan?. Then the action?

Ruling with distractions

Keep the people distracted and small minded - best way to rule

Decision under stress

It is known that the best decisions are not made under stress - but when the mind is at ease. In fact experience teaches us not to make concious decisions under stressful and time - limited circumstances . Instead a experience lookup is performed to determine the best course of action.

Act on the Big - small things will take care of themselves

If you look up in the night sky. You see unlimited possibilities. Yes , we are on earth which is limited, but ultimately "space is the place" - it has to be. I would argue collectedly our thinking has been too small. In order to reach that goal. Some will argue that some people are already working to make that a reality. But I would argue against that. You see, its the "some people" part which leads to time lost in achieving that goal. 

Thinking small in an almost unlimited universe will take time to get over. What are the symptoms of thinking small

1. Carrying on customs or rituals without questioning them
2. Being an arrogant person
3. Being adverse to saying "I do not know"

Freedom in truth

The truth has no friends or enemies.  It just is.
Accept it and then you can change it. What is true today does have to be true tomorrow. 
Accept the truth in all its forms. However - its very challenging. 

Get to the point - the heart of the matter

Wednesday, 30 September 2020


Schedule an action to a time suitable for the recipient

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Discipline is freedom - its true

Discipline is freedom. If you say you'll do something - then do it. Your word is law.  Your word means something. You mean something. True for me. True for you.

There are two prerequisites for this to work,

1. Strong self-belief

2. Courage to accept the truth - and learn from it.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Customer Decision Platform

 A Customer decision platform goes beyond a Customer Data platform by actually providing the decisions to be made - in real-time or batch. The decisioning process is embedded into the transformation of the data. You heard it hear first.

Saturday, 29 August 2020

public private keys

 Copy and pasting text (public/private keys) in this day in age, for security - seriously!

Friday, 28 August 2020


Black people. People of darker skin tone. Recognise now that liberation will be a massive effort. The effort of which will dwarf the miracles performed by Jesus and Moses. Many, many times over. The time-span will be at least 5000 years. But it needs to happen. It will happen - with concerted , concerted , concerted effort. And more effort. It's me. It's you.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

App time

As mentioned in an earlier post - applications are tools , enablers to get things done. 'Done' can range from Developing building blueprints, buying clothes to losing yourself in a action adventure. Ultimately the effectiveness of application can be measured in the time it occupies of your life to do what needs to be done. The time factor is the critical ingredient. The fundamental KPI. Why. Because your time is your life.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Allocate time to seriously focus on improving your weakness

Virus, disease , disaster and other calamities , they will exploit your weaknesses. Therefore in order to mitigate and counter their effects would it not be important to understand your weaknesses and then strengthen them.
This goes against the notional of focusing only on your strength.

Sunday, 5 January 2020

opportunities Vs problems

If you only see problems you will miss opportunities. When you feel your having problems - your missing opportunities