Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Know yourself


 Be very honest. This saves times. Lies and inaccurate information waste time.

Who are you Mentally, Physically and Spiritually? 

Forget the "Strength" and "Weakness" label. It is what it is.

Who are you?

The more you know - the better. 

Ignorance is the real weakness. Self knowledge is strength.

Your environment

Humans exist on earth because of the environment.

Our closest planets do not have the right environment for any living creature.

The environment determines who you are. 

Geography and living creatures (especially people).


Friday, 29 November 2024

New Golden rules


1. Know yourself

  • Know who you are
  • Know your environment

2. Accept yourself

  • Build based on what you have learnt

3. Defend yourself

  • Defend what you have built

Saturday, 2 November 2024

True development


What is Development and Growth,

Is it,

1. Earning more money

2. Increasing GDP

3. Increasing productivity

Or is is it

1. Understating yourself better and as much as possible

2. Accepting who you are

3. Defending yourself

Monday, 14 October 2024

Price discrimination is wrong

Full disclosure. I have worked on many platforms which enables Price discrimination.

I do not believe in price discrimination. I believe its wrong. Price discrimination is wrong.

What is easier : 

1. Giving the best prices to your "best" customers. 


2. Giving the best price to a Customer who really needs it at this time.

(1.) is easier. (2.) is better. Both are wrong.


1. Who are the best customer? Those who spend the most? The most loyal?

  • The best customer usually means those that spends the most. They then get the best deals. Overtime, eventually leading to apartheid and discrimination by design and by algorithm.  
  • Loyalty is lost when shopping around to get the best prices. So again, Loyalty is a luxury. 

2. How are needs calculated? 

  • Aligning business and customer needs is very difficult. You can only predict what customer wants (unless they tell you). 


Show the best proposition to customer based on their needs at this or a future time - and that's all. No discounts should be applied unless their time has been wasted (.i.e. late deliveries)

Sunday, 18 August 2024

Tools of Belief

How you use a tool is based on your 

    1. belief, 2. your skill, 3. tools capabilities


The tool is a  Pencil.

Your commissioned to draw a court room scene.

Yours drawing skills are great (2). And its your favourite Pencil (3).

However you do not like the defendant. 

You draw the person in way which undermines them. They look bad. They look Guilty.

Belief guides your skill and tools capability. 

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

From Journey to Story

 Move from Customer Journey to Customer Story.

A mindset change which will make propositions more interesting and engaging

See this

Monday, 8 July 2024

Using LLM to replace words with Images

Idea. Use LLM to replace words with images.

Replace sentences and paragraphs with images.

Making your publication more interesting, memorable an efficient for the reader. 

Cut the text and paste it into the LLM.

Sunday, 7 July 2024

Medicine and Knowing yourself

The truth will set you free. It will also keep you healthy.

The longer humans remain on earth, the more we will learn about ourselves - individually and globally. These learnings will change us. This is real growth.

Tools exist to enable this self-discovery. However they are restricted and not universally available. Eventually tools will not be required or at be least more accessible.  Everyone will know themselves - eventually. 

Physically, mentally and spiritually.

The more we truly know about ourselves - the better we can manage ourselves. Consciously and Unconsciously.

This includes managing our health - mentally and physically. 

Prevention is better than cure.

Monday, 17 June 2024

Communication regression

Humans started by drawing - then regressed to writing.

Regressed ? Yes

Why regressed?

  • Less expressive, less efficient and more boring. 
  • Increased barrier to entry in sharing ideas.
  • Creates division.

Slowing down real planet level development and progress 


Learn to draw, very well - then learn to write

This also improves verbal communication

Sunday, 5 May 2024

Real Growth

Increased GDP, Median Income, Wealth ? No

Increased Knowledge of self, others, local environment, global environment and earth ? Yes

Friday, 15 March 2024

Platform GateKeeper

 "You gotta make money and put some food on the table.."

When does "offering value" turn into rent seeking and extortion?

Software, especially AI related software, is complex. Due to bad design - accidental or deliberate.

So long as it sales - it does not really matter.  "You gotta make that money"

Gen AI and NBA

Standard approach : Take my usual process and tactically inject Gen AI piecemeal.

Imaginative approach : Leave it all to Gen AI and assess the results. Adjust arbitration were needed

Tuesday, 27 February 2024


The Customer Analytics record usually contain descriptive analytics information - What had happened.

 The Customer Predictive record will contain descriptive predictions information - What will happened. 

Friday, 23 February 2024

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Next Best Action in a nutshell

Next Best Action is Communications arbitration.

Communications is alias for "Propositions", "Campaigns", "Experiences" etc

Arbitration is the process of selecting one or more Communications from a library, based on some criteria 

The selected Communications are then presented

That is Next Best Action in a nutshell.

Communications arbitration.

Love is hard work

 Love is life. Love is hard work.

We begin with love in our hearts and search for more to survive.

We need to work hard to defend that love and grow it.

    We work hard to defend against those with hate in their heart.

    We work hard to recognise those with hate in their heart.

Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Many truths

 A zero sum mindset is hard to shake. 

If you want to understand NBA interactions you'll need to shake it out. 

A segmented approach takes the view that when communicating with a customer there can only be one truth at a time. A customer gets a communication (win) or they don't (loss). They respond positively to a communication (win) or they don't (loss). 

However people are multi-dimensional*. At any given time there are multiple topics they may find interesting.  There can be many truths

However at any given moment in time - there will always be the most relevant truth for a person. This is what they should see - at that time. 

The more truths you have to chose from the greater the chance of surfacing that golden truth. In fact multiple truths can be combined to create a Super truth

* Conversely - convincing people that they are one-dimensional and "specialised" makes them easier to handle and manipulate. Limiting their growth and progress. 

Gen AI - More of the same

 Same content as yesterday - but done more efficiently.