Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Many truths

 A zero sum mindset is hard to shake. 

If you want to understand NBA interactions you'll need to shake it out. 

A segmented approach takes the view that when communicating with a customer there can only be one truth at a time. A customer gets a communication (win) or they don't (loss). They respond positively to a communication (win) or they don't (loss). 

However people are multi-dimensional*. At any given time there are multiple topics they may find interesting.  There can be many truths

However at any given moment in time - there will always be the most relevant truth for a person. This is what they should see - at that time. 

The more truths you have to chose from the greater the chance of surfacing that golden truth. In fact multiple truths can be combined to create a Super truth

* Conversely - convincing people that they are one-dimensional and "specialised" makes them easier to handle and manipulate. Limiting their growth and progress.